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On Demand Schedule
Features of the Scheme of On-Demand Exam

This innovative and flexible scheme of On-Demand Exam is independent of the traditional fixed time frame and has the following features:

  • Multilayer security system to maintain confidentiality and secrecy of the entire process.
  • Students can register online for On-Demand Exam anytime from anywhere.
  • Online issue of Hall Ticket mentioning the date, venue and time of examination.
  • Multi-mode registration-fee payment system including online payment through Credit Card or payment through bank draft.
  • Automated online clarification of doubts and information to the students.
  • Individualized question papers for different students generated on the day of examination.
  • Encryption of the Question papers immediately after their generation.
  • Exam conducted under web-based closed circuit camera surveillance.
  • Online submission of attendance on the day of exam.
  • Online submission of the awards and marks by the examination superintendent.
Eligibility to Appear in On-Demand Exam

Already registered student of SSSET for a programmer being offered by the Board, has the option to appear in the On-Demand Exam provided the student has completed the minimum eligibility time and has valid registration period. The eligible students can appear in the examination through ODES as per their wish and preparation as and when they feel ready for the examination, subject to availability of the seats on the day of his/her choice at the On-Demand Exam centre and also the availability of the question bank in that particular course.

Process of Registration for On-Demand Exam

The registration for the On-Demand Exam can be done only online through RIOS website. If an exam fee is paid by Credit Card, the Hall Ticket is generated instantaneously and the student can take its printout. Registration fee can also be paid through bank draft in favour of SSSET. In that case an acknowledgement receipt is generated immediately and the student is required to submit the original bank draft along with a copy of the acknowledgement receipt at the concerned Regional Centre. After receiving the bank draft at the Regional Centre, his/her registration for On-Demand Exam is confirmed and information to that effect is automatically sent to the student's account which can be accessed by him/her using his/her registration number allotted at the time of online registration